Worship | Sunday mornings, 10:30A

Nursery care is available during Sunday worship

Here is the bulletin outlining Sunday's worship service details.


Lent series & Holy Week | leading up to Easter

Journeying through Luke in "Year C" of the lectionary, we will consider how the inclusive gospel of Christ empowers all of us to actively advocate for compassion, inclusion and transformation.         In Peace, Pastor Andrew

Worship | Sunday mornings, 10:30A


Power & the Temptation of the Slanderer

Pastor Andrew Conley-Holcom


Safety & His Lament for Jerusalem

Pastor Andrew Conley-Holcom


Covenant & His Call to Repent or Perish

Pastor Andrew Conley-Holcom


Embodiment & His Parable of the Lost Son

Pulpit Swap

Rev. Sarah Casey, Tibbetts UMC


Liberation & the Anointing at Bethany 

Pastor Andrew Conley-Holcom

Palm Sunday


Community & His Triumphal Entry 

Pastor Andrew Conley-Holcom

special midweek services

Ash Wednesday

3/5, 6PM

Intention & His Call to Holiness

We started Lent with our friends at Tibbett's UMC as our guests.

Holy Thursday

4/17, 6PM

Commitment & His Commandment

Pastor Andrew Conley-Holcom

Good Friday


Betrayal & His Execution

We'll be joining our friends at Tibbett's UMC for this service

recent Sunday Sermon series |