Opportunities and Resources for Learning
Opportunities and Resources for Learning
Lenten Devotional: "Into the Deep"
“We often speak of God enthroned on high, God above the skies, God on the mountian top” but when we actually feel the need for God is often not during the ”high” times in our life. We wonder where God is in our deepest lows and realizing that God is there with us, grab on to God to help us make it through. “God loves the deep. God works in the deep.
[In the deep] God gives life, possibility, new direction.”
If you are needing God to give you courage and encouragement, join us in reading and discussion the daily devotional, Into the Deep* this Lenten Season.
To participate you read the one page daily devotional at home beginning on March 6th, Ash Wednesday, and stay after worship to discuss your insights each Sunday until Easter with others who have chosen to participate.
We hope that you choose to take this opportunity to dive deep into your understanding of God during this Lenten season to discover the courageous life that is waiting for you.
Go Deep! Find Out!
Bible Study
Mid-week Bible study is on hold. As noted above, during Lent, you're invited to join in a daily devotional and to gather for a weekly discussion after worship on Sundays.